Dr. Lucia Robustini!

On the 7th of May, Lucia defended her PhD thesis. A wonderful presentation was followed by a very engaging discussion with the external examiner Prof. Caroline Paul who did an excellent job. We are so proud of you Lucia! No PhD was more deserved than this one, you worked so hard and never gave up! […]
Nourah’s viva was a success!

Nourah successfully passed her viva on the 25th of January! 4h of questions which the examiners defined as extremely interesting and interactive. Very well done Nourah, we wish you all the best for your future! Related Posts
Congratulations Matteo!

Very well done to Matteo who defended his thesis on the 23rd of October! The external examiner was very impressed and the group very much enjoy celebrating together at the group meeting the following day. Benny came to visit for the occasion, and to eat delicious doughnuts… We wish Matteo all the very best as […]